Idea #1
Interdomain Stuff- Why is it we have to spend so much in gems for each domain? Our court should be across domains so that if I spend a lot of hard earned gems on a throne, it should show up in all my domains and not just one. As it stands now, those court decorations are too expensive and rather pointless.
- Why is it we can't win awards and achievements? Sure, we can win items and chests, but how about something that can be displayed in any domain? A lot of games allow you to get achievements and they are stored for lookup. I'd like to be able to have something like "beat a level 10 barbarian camp" or some based on what might you achieve that can show up in other domains. It would be nice so that we could then see exactly what a person has and hasn't done. Not unlike the quests for instance.
Idea #2 Competetions
Open up more tournaments but have the objectives be something new. How hard would it be to create a King of The Hill style competetion between alliances? Create special wilds that grant a certain amount of points per second, they are hard to conquer, and you must hold it for an hour before it starts to make you points. After a few days, the alliance with the most points gets a special prize or whatever, but everyone in the alliance shares in it equally. You can do this individually of course, but I'd like to see alliances have objectives.
Win random items from barbarian camps- So far the game has been too static, there's almost no point to things when you throw the game on auto and just show up to war and stick around to talk now and then. Randomize things, give us a reason to check in more often. Would it be hard to have random barbarian invaders? Automated attacks on players that are currently logged in would give us something new to deal with aside from wars. A lot of people might complain, but this could be based on the amount of barb camps you hit (they have to have a way to keep track of this). A sort of revenge factor, and it would help balance out the monkey strength a bit too.
Increase the alliance features! we figured out ways around some of the limitations, but would it be hard to post up alliance wide notices somewhere in game? Just a single page where we can put up info like the rules of our alliance, who does what, etc. That shouldn't be too hard, limit what you can put up there, etc. Maybe a place where players can put up an alliance bartering system to trade goods?
-Allow for conditionary trading between alliances- I don't like the idea of people popping in between alliances to trade goods, can there be a way to transfer to allies? maybe specially designated alliances can do it between each other as if they were one alliance? Also, I'd like to see war improved in that respect, alliance reports are great in a way (more so with scripts) but other than that, alliances are rather limited still. How about something that can kick in to inform certain officers "these members have been inactive for two weeks" and so forth. Make embassy reinforcing report (to prevent malicious reinforcing that starves you out) as some unscrupulous (such as the SBYC lot) players use.